Monday, February 15, 2010

Smart Shopping For Prenatal Multivitamins

Smart Shopping For Prenatal Multivitamins
Every woman wants their pregnancy to go as smoothly as possible. However that depends on how much you take care of yourself, on the diet you eat and of course the prenatal vitamins you take. A major and important part of pregnancy is a prenatal vitamin. With the advice of your physician, you must take a good prenatal vitamin to aid the growth and development of your unborn baby.

There are several options when it comes to a prenatal multivitamin which ranges from prescription to counter. Your doctor may also recommend a brand or offer their advice to choose a good prenatal vitamin. So, what do you look for when you go out to shop for pregnancy prenatal vitamins?

A prenatal multivitamin contains all the essential vitamins and minerals which are all needed to help the baby develop. When you look for the ingredients in a pregnancy vitamin, you must look for folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, and minerals like magnesium, zinc, copper and Omega 3 fatty acid.

All the above vitamins and minerals are vital for a healthy pregnancy and one of the most important of all these components is folic acid. This vital component prevents birth defects of the spinal cord and the brain.

There are also prenatal supplements which provide the perfect nutrients at each pregnancy stage. These pregnancy vitamins will provide the exact nutrients which are needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Most women would also consider the price of the vitamins before they buy them. The fact is that the best prenatal vitamins won’t come in cheaper prices. When you want the best they will give you the best. They will offer you the best nutrients and you can get the best out of it.

Prenatal Nutrition For Healthy Pregnancy

Prenatal Nutrition For Healthy Pregnancy
The basic principle of eating healthy food remains the same during pregnancy. However, there are few nutrients that deserves special attention in a pregnancy diet. You need to know what essential vitamins and nutrients you should provide for your baby.

Many expecting mothers often become victim of some vitamin or nutrient deficits. This becomes a problem not to the baby but to the mother as well. So you need to know which prenatal nutrients you need to take more. Here are some of the top pick.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is a B vitamin vital for preventing neural tube defects, serious abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord. When there is a lack of folate in your diet, it may also increase the risk of preterm delivery. You need 800 micrograms of folic acid before conceiving and around 1,000 micrograms a day during your pregnancy.


Protein is another important nutrient that is essential for the baby’s growth. Your baby’s physical growth largely depends on protein especially during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. You need at least 71 grams of protein a day.


The lack of iron during pregnancy may result in fatigue and more vulnerable to infections. The use of iron especially during pregnancy nearly doubles. You need at least 27 milligrams of iron in a day.


Calcium aids in developing strong bones and teeth. It also helps the body circulatory, muscular and nervous systems. Why the mother needs to take calcium in pregnancy is that if there is lack of calcium in the body then the baby will absorb it from the mother’s bones. So, you need 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day.

Prenatal Supplements

A healthy diet sometimes misses key nutrients. Taking prenatal vitamins daily will help to fill up the gap. Pregnancy prenatal vitamins provide the exact nutrients that are needed during pregnancy.

Common Pitfalls In Prenatal Vitamins

Common Pitfalls In Prenatal Vitamins
You must have heard a lot about the advantages of prenatal vitamins. They do such wonders during your pregnancy. They not only help you during but pre and post pregnancy as well. However, not all prenatal vitamins are the same.

Though prenatal vitamins are designed to aid women during their pregnancy, some prenatal vitamins may tend to increase the sensation of nausea. Some women also vomit whenever they take their prenatal vitamins. This feeling of constant queasy may make you feel like stop taking the pills altogether.

Another complication that most pregnant women feel when they take the prenatal vitamins is constipation. You may experience constipation when you use prenatal vitamins that may be due to the extra nutrients and iron.

Headache is considered as a common pitfall after consuming some prenatal vitamins. Some women also develop allergic reactions to certain pregnancy prenatal vitamins Taking prenatal vitamins may also create a bad taste in the mouth. This may lead to an aversion to the food you take.

Indigestion, insomnia, vomiting, gas and belching, muscle aches and pains, diarrhea, weakness, discoloration of urine and tinnitus are some of the common effects that certain prenatal vitamins might cause you.

Don’t let all these pitfalls scare you. The fact is that all prenatal tablets are not made the same. The best prenatal supplements may take care of all these problems. Some of the above symptoms may be experienced even when you are not taking the prenatal pills. That may happen when you are not taking a balanced diet.

So what you must do is to take the prenatal vitamin that would not only provide you the best nutrients for your baby but also aid in absorbing the vitamins and minerals well. You must see the ingredients as some of the components may reduce the common pitfalls that most women experience after taking prenatal vitamins.

What To Expect When You Are In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

What To Expect When You Are In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy
To have a healthy pregnancy, prenatal care is considered as a very important part of it. Whether you chose an obstetrician, a physician or a nurse, prenatal care is the key to check your health as well as your baby’s health during your pregnancy. Here are certain things that you should expect at the first prenatal appointment.

As soon as you feel you are pregnant, schedule your first appointment with the doctor. Keep ample of your time aside for the visit because you and your health provider will have lots of things to talk and discuss about. You should also consider taking your partner along with you.

Followings are the basic:

• Your Medical History- While on your visit to health provider you will be asked many questions which will include the details about your past pregnancy, menstrual cycle, use of contraceptives, other medical conditions and allergies. It is advisable to share if there is any family history of congenital abnormality or genetic disease.

Always be sure to mention all the sensitive issues, such as past drug use or abortion. Do not forget that the information you share will help your health care provider in taking best care of your health and your baby.

• Physical Examination- Your health care provider will check your height, weight and blood pressure. He will listen to your heart and assess your health overall.

• Pelvic examination- Your health care provider will examine your vagina and uterus for any abnormality or infection. You may also need a Pap test to screen for cervical cancer. Changes in the size of your uterus can help to confirm the stage of your pregnancy.

• Urine test- Examination of your urine can show kidney or bladder infection. The presence of too much protein or sugar in your urine may suggest kidney disease or diabetes.

• Blood tests- Your health care provider will ask you to do the blood tests to determine the blood type, including Rh factor-a specific protein on the surface of the red blood cells. Blood tests can reveal whether you have been exposed to measles, syphilis, mumps, hepatitis B or rubella. You may also be asked to do the test of HIV.

• Other lifestyle issues- Your health care provider will discuss the importance of exercise, nutrition,prenatal vitamins and other lifestyle issues. He will also discuss about your working environment and if you smoke then you will be suggested to quit smoking.

Remember, your health care provider is there to take care of throughout your pregnancy. The
prenatal appointments are the best time to clear all your doubts and concern regarding your health and also the health of your baby.