A severe condition of morning sickness could result in mental and social problems for would-be-mother. The chances are that the mother-to-be would feel isolated due to shying away from usual social activities – because of unpredictable condition of morning sickness. She might require help constantly. At times, she might also feel hopeless or rejected.
The unchecked condition of pregnancy morning sickness could cause various health troubles like weight loss, dehydration, thyroid, anxiety, diabetes, lesion to central nervous system, depression, spontaneous abortions of the healthy fetus, liver damage and damage to other organs of the pregnant woman and the fetus. In case the mother-to-be happens to lose around 5% of her weight due to morning sickness, then the fetus too would be born with a low weight. This would further increase the odds of infant mortality. Nausea and vomiting can go from a mild level to a moderate level and in some cases; it can result in the condition, which is known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which occurs in the case of severe vomiting. With the condition of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, treating morning sickness becomes critical. Those women who are suffering from such a level of vomiting need to be hospitalized. Thousands of would-be-mothers are found to be admitted to hospital due to morning sickness cases, which are very harsh. Some of these cases occur as people don’t know the seriousness of the condition or don’t detect it early enough for treatment.
You can possibly treat the condition of pregnancy morning sickness in several ways. A few of them include eating small and frequent meals throughout the entire day to keep the blood sugar levels even. Consuming a protein high diet during the evening to allow proteins to last longer. Many also rely on the age-old formula “keep the crackers near the bed”. However, this will not necessarily always help. There are also prenatal vitamins, which can reduce morning sickness sensations. One of the best things to do at various levels of morning sickness is to keep your doctors informed of the situation. Therefore, in case there are any problems or changes then they can be contacted at an early stage.
Therefore, you need to keep the condition of morning sickness in check and treat it as it could cause harm to you or your child.
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