Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to Look Great During Pregnancy

Are you the kind of woman who is very conscious about how you look and how your body looks? Are you the type who would get worried when you gain weight during pregnancy? You don't have to worry as you can look great now, even during your pregnancy.

A lot of women tend to go for the drab look, as they feel that looks is secondary when it comes to taking care of their health, as well as that of their unborn baby's. To maintain beauty standards during pregnancy is not a herculean task. Come to think of it, you will quite enjoy it. Listed below are some of the tips that you can take to look fabulous even with those baby bumps.

  • Simple looks good: Overdoing doesn't always work whether you are pregnant or not. Always keep it simple. Large and filled up patterns can overwhelm your curves. A solid color always works with little jewelry.

  • Emphasize the positive: Voluptuousness is perhaps the best part in pregnancy. Like it or not, trying something out of the ordinary can be fun. Take pride in showing off your bumps rather than hiding it.

  • Change your hairstyle: Time to try some new hairstyles to go with your new body shape. Change the hairstyle weekly or monthly if you can. It's fun and you will look great.

  • Nurture the skin and body: Women usually glow when they are pregnant. Of course, they are happy and the happiness shows on their face, but try to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Keep a well balanced diet to ensure your body is healthy and fit.

A Healthy nutrition pregnancy is not only good for the baby's growth but it can also bring out the best in you, in terms of beauty. If you want proper nutrition during pregnancy, include prenatal vitamins in your diet. A prenatal vitamin supplement is vital during pregnancy as it provides all the essential nutrients for the baby's health and of course for you.

Can Morning Sickness help Predict the Gender of your baby?

When it comes to pregnancy and pregnant women, myths are bound to pop up every now and then. Most myths are related to gender prediction, and this is not in the least bit surprising. Every pregnant mother can only think of one thing - "girl or boy?". Predictors have tried out everything to predict the baby's gender. right from suspending a pencil over the pregnant mother's belly to checking which side of the bed she sleeps in. These myths are nothing but old wives' tales, but there are a few that do seem plausible.

One in particular is the relation between morning sickness and the baby's gender. Most women tend to think of morning sickness as a pain and are quick to find out the various morning sickness cures. However, is it possible that morning sickness could be an indicator of what your baby's gender will be?

Some people say that morning sickness symptoms are stronger when the baby is going to be a boy, and others say that morning sickness lasts longer when the baby is a girl. In this case however, most of the people who believe in this are pretty much wrong. There are plenty of pregnant women who have recently had babies who can disprove this myth.

Morning sickness is triggered off by hormones, and can vary from individual to individual. It also varies from pregnancy to pregnancy, even if a woman gives birth to all boys or all girls.

The strength of the morning sickness does not have to do with the gender of your baby, but in some cases, it could signify a multiple pregnancy. Since morning sickness is triggered off by hormones, it is a sign of a healthy pregnancy. So, before you go out there and search for morning sickness remedies, think of it as a welcome sign (although a tad bit uncomfortable) that things are fine with your pregnancy. Fortunately, morning sickness wears off after the first trimester for most women.

How to Eat Healthier when you are a Working Pregnant Woman

Are you pregnant and still running around with no time to take care of yourself? First of all hold on! It's fine to be busy when you are pregnant, but you need to take care of your health more than ever now.

It is rare to see a woman today who isn't time challenged. With the daily marathon that we lead, we even tend to forget about eating well. So when do we have the time to care of ourselves? Keeping a healthy diet is very important for your baby and yours as well. No matter how busy you are with your work, you must take the time out to concentrate on your diet.

When you shop for food, pick up all those items that are healthy and will do you and your baby good. To save time, stock up on small bottles of water and cans of vegetable and tomato juices so that you can grab a nutritional bite anytime.

Think of the foods you crave. Craving for food is normal during pregnancy. If you are craving for a certain type of food, keep it somewhere closer to you so that you can get your hands on it whenever you crave for it.

Food should not be eaten just for the sake of eating. Try to present it creatively so that you can enjoy the meal. If you are running an errand or working outside, put some food and water in your bag. Whenever you feel hungry or crave for something, it's easier than to go and hunt for food elsewhere.

Remember to include a prenatal supplement in your diet. It is possible that your diet would not provide you with all the essential nutrients required during pregnancy. A prenatal vitamin can offer you all the essential vitamins and minerals to make your body healthy. Pregnancy prenatal vitamins are vital and recommended for all pregnant women.

Why to avoid eating sea fish during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman has to change many of her habits from eating to working, for her health and that of her baby. And so, when it comes to her diet, sometimes the expectant mother has to avoid her most favorite dishes like sea food also. Let us see why sea food is avoided during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman needs a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet that is essential to experience a healthy pregnancy. Fish is rich in high nutrients and omega fatty acids, which an expectant woman requires in her daily diet and doctors advice to consume some fish regularly. Then why is sea fish avoided? Although sea fish is also rich in nutritional properties, it can contain high amounts of toxins such as mercury that is very harmful for both the mother and the baby. Fish like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, orange roughy,and grouper have high toxins that are advised to be avoided by many of the physicians.

On the other hand, there are fish such as tuna, halibut, sea trout, and saltwater bass which are considered as safe in moderate amounts. The amount of mercury is comparatively less in fish like monkfish, canned tuna, cod and snapper and can be consumed up to six times per month. And when it comes to freshwater fish, trout, shrimp, wild salmon, scallops, and haddock, they have very low amounts of mercury. Besides these fresh fish, foods like sushi made from raw fish should also be avoided because of the high risk of contamination from bacteria or parasites.

In such a condition, expectant mothers can have prenatal vitamins which have omega 3 fatty acids in it. Among the many, Promise Prenatal offers prenatal supplements that have been designed to provide pregnant women with the perfect nutrient balance for each stage of pregnancy.

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