General type of morning sickness remedies
Avoid staying in the warm places. Staying in such places can increase the feeling of nausea. Take small naps throughout the day as weariness plays a major role in the occurrence of the condition of morning sickness. Make sure that you have had a good night’s sleep. In the morning, get out of bed slowly. Once you are out of bed, eating dry cereals or crackers can prove helpful.
Turn on the exhaust fan or open the windows while you are cooking also after the meals. Cooking in microwave is ideal as it produces comparatively less smell. Carry along a handkerchief with few drops of the non-nausea causing the essential oils, for instance – lemon oil and breath through when you cannot get away a smell, which causes you to feel sick..
Food and drinks
Avoid eating spicy and greasy foods as they could cause heartburn or nausea. Eat what you wish to eat and when you wish to eat it. Your craving for food is certainly not going to lead astray.. Frequently eating protein snacks would be ideal. Avoid eating heavy meals. Instead eat small meals and at an interval of about every two hours. Do not skip on your meals. Cold food can have a less nausea inducing type of smell. Don’t drink any fluids while eating meals. However, drinking fluids throughout the day could prove helpful as this helps you to stop being dehydrated. Non caffeinated type of teas like ginger and peppermint can prove helpful for treating the condition of morning sickness.
You can also take up some supplements to help you cope with morning sickness. You might consider visiting your doctor before taking any supplements. Vitamin B6 50mg has proved quite helpful with a pregnancy that is nausea induced. Taking a ginger capsule 250mg 3 times a day too could prove helpful. Ginger has always been associated with the alleviating nausea. You might also consider asking your doctor if Prenatals could be stopped temporarily in order to see whether nausea diminishes or not. However, you need to take a folic acid supplement, which will help to protect your baby. You should not take any iron supplements unless anemic as these iron supplements could prove to be hard for the stomach to be deal with. Prenatal vitamins too can be taken under the recommendation of a doctor as these help to control morning sickness.
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