Prenatal care is essential because it plays a significant role in reducing miscarriages and maternal death rates, as well as detecting birth defects, low or high birth weight, and other preventable problems. Usually, a pregnant woman will go for monthly visits to the doctor during the first trimester, followed by two visits a month from weeks 28 to 36 and then weekly from 38 to 40 weeks, or till the delivery.
During these prenatal visits, the expectant mother will be asked to provide her medical history to the health care provider, who will check her blood pressure, record her weight and height, will perform a pelvic examination, collect the urine and blood samples, etc. The mother can ask any questions she may want to ask about her pregnancy and the unborn baby or about the delivery.
Sonograms or ultrasounds are the methods that have been used for years. These are considered safe and are used to monitor stages of pregnancy. They are performed during the second and third trimesters. Ultrasounds can be used to determine the sex of an unborn child (though in some countries it is considered illegal), to check for more than one fetus, and also assess any risks to the mother like a low-lying placenta, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy. They can also be used to determine any kind of problems in the unborn child, such as spina bifida or clubfoot. Also, the developmental progress found during an ultrasound is helpful in determining the due date of the baby.
Just like prenatal vitamins, prenatal care is very important for both mother and child. Expectant parents can also attend prenatal classes. These classes prepare them for the labor and birth process. Prenatal classes teach pregnant women the right kind of relaxation techniques that can be used during labor. So, if in the near future you are planning to increase you family, then ensure to get the best prenatal care.
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