A bland diet is always recommended or a diet that is high in carbohydrate and protein. Low fat diets are recommended. Salt and vinegar chips have proven in the past to ease the effects of morning sickness during pregnancy since it dries up excessive saliva, which was originally thought to cause nausea. However, according to various experts in the field, there are several other diets and food varieties that can help reduce the effects of pregnancy morning sickness. These include:
• Ginger ale, pretzels, chicken broths, frozen desserts or gelatin based desserts.
• Green apples, natural yogurt, whole wheat bread, rice cakes, etc.
• Chamomile tea or herbal teas.
• Foods that are high in carbohydrates can be helpful like white rice, bread, pasta, noodles, mashed potatoes, etc.
• Seafood, eggs, nuts, beans
Chewing a mild mint flavored gum in between your meals is an excellent choice. It is important to have many small meals throughout the day to ensure that your stomach is never empty. An empty stomach will always lead to nausea. Avoid fatty foods since it takes longer for these food types to digest. Rich or spicy food can cause heartburn and irritate your stomach – stay away from these. Almonds are said to be extremely beneficial during pregnancy, so keep chomping on these nutty wonders. Lastly, a protein shake mixed with soy milk is a very good choice.
Speak to your health care provider and find out more ways to get rid off the discomforts of morning sickness. Or, you could just follow these tips and glide through an easy pregnancy!
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