Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All You Need To Know About Prenatal Vitamin

Is prenatal vitamin necessary to take during pregnancy? Definitely! Prenatal multivitamins must be included in your pregnancy nutrition. Here is some information, which will help you more to understand the importance of prenatal multivitamins.

Why do you need prenatal supplements?

A healthy diet can provide you with the best vitamins and minerals your body need during pregnancy. However, even women who eat healthy daily will miss out on key nutrients. Prenatal supplement can fill up that gap. Pregnancy can give many complications. Your body tends to change and with the baby growing inside you, the nutritional demands rises. You certainly need to fulfill the demands of your body and provide the exact nutrients. By offering the required nutrient, prenatal vitamins prevent the complications that may arise from nutritional deficiency.

Are prenatal vitamins same as other vitamins?

The prenatal multivitamins are designed to cater for the needs and requirements of pregnant women. Most of the pregnancy prenatal vitamins contain more level of iron, calcium and folic acids. These components are very crucial to include in your pregnancy diet. Lack of these components can give many complications to the health of both the mother and the baby. Folic acid prevents the neural tube defects, serious abnormalities of the spinal cord and brain. It also decreases the risk of poor fetal growth, low birth weight, preterm delivery and reduces other birth defects. For healthy pregnancy and fetal development, folic acid is important. Iron supports blood and muscle cell development for both mother and baby. It helps to prevent anemia and decrease preterm delivery and low birth weight conditions. Calcium develops strong bone and teeth and helps the muscular, circulatory and nervous systems to run smoothly. Other standard vitamins also do not include Omega 3 fatty acids. This important component promotes the development of the baby’s brain.

When should you start taking prenatal supplements?

You can start taking prenatal supplements even before you are pregnant. Taking prenatal vitamins three months before conception can reduce many health issues related to pregnancy and help your baby to have a healthy development. Taking prenatal vitamins promote the development of neural tube, which becomes the baby’s brain and spinal cord. The neural cord develops during the first pregnancy month. That is why prenatal vitamins should be taken as early as possible to prevent neural tube defects.

How long the prenatal vitamins should be taken?

It is better to take the prenatal supplement throughout the pregnancy period, but it is wise to continue it even after giving birth. It will help you to provide the vitamins that your baby needs during breastfeeding and help recover your body with the key nutrients.

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